Big fails and great music
Back when I first started this blog, I wanted to turn it into a podcast. I didn't have the know-how or proper equipment, two microphones an ipod, and a podcasting program. I gave up on it because I never had a dedicated schedule nor the topics to cover.
Unlike blogging, I have an unlimited amount of free time and, thanks to youtube and now twitter, the needed and endless amounts of topics.
For those who noticed my tweets at around nine am this morning, I went live on Ustream, and failed, epically. My music player started working after I ended the feed and I was a little frustrated. Next time I'll just play tunes from my ipod or back-up ereader.
I did read off's top 5 bands list, If sound was recorded you can hear that using the link on my twiter feed.
Some very talented Artists are making waves in todays music scene, but you already knew that. And don't forget to follow me on twitter, @bobsbandreview